
high on a mountain

We've been there
high up on the mountains
they come in different flavors

the Sierra Nevada like
solid amber and wine
from fermented rocks

Wialualua tastes like water
wet fronds licked for fun
to taste the marsh

that old island the Rubies
rising from dust and water
tastes like ancient pine
and loneliness

San Gabriel Mountains
tastes of a people
lost to progress
and fresh air
above the melee

coast ranges
taste of salt
and dew drops
from the redwoods

Ancient Marbles
rimmed and fluted
taste like wine on a hot day

mystical Himalayas
float above reason
and remembering

Mountains everywhere
unknowable mountains
float on seafloors
and space on another planet
how many mountains are there?
what are their flavors?
who has been there?

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